Since I shed some light in my previous post on why living in rainbow land backfires with dogs, I’m assuming if you have these issues you want to fix them.
An important tip to remember is that obedience training and behavior training are two separate things.
A lot of owners have already done puppy classes or trick training. These are obviously great starting points but too many owners focus on this and neglect everything else. They think once their dog knows sit, stay, and lay down that everything else will follow suit. That’s never the case.
Together let’s change your dog – for good! Improve obedience & address issues.
Everything we do with our dog influences them. As crazy as it sounds, when you get a puppy, micromanaging its every move is crucial. This is so bad behaviors don’t develop such as chewing your favorite pair of shoes. That usually happens because we left the puppy to his own devices. Free shaping behaviors as well as giving them time to relax is very important.
On the topic of training, some people fear training their dog and wonder if their every move is going to affect their dog’s relationship. Of course, it’s great to be alert and mindful, but don’t let this cripple you into not training your dog.
Read more about How to Manage Stress In Dogs
Redeeming Dogs
Dallas Texas
Phone: 817-308-5817